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Sach Killam

Rookwood Monumental-Heritage Team

Sach trained at Woodlawn Cemetery in Canada under Danish Master Conservation Stonemason Per Neumeyer, with Tamara Anson-Cartwright as conservation mentor.  He moved to Australia and Rookwood Cemetery in 2008, joining the National Trust Cemeteries Committee and learning lettering from Gordon Brown.  Sach helped establish the Monumental-Heritage team at Rookwood, completing best practice cemetery repairs and lime-based stone conservation work for cemeteries, Friends groups, Councils, RSLs, and heritage sites.

In his spare time, Sach carves small marble figures (especially Cycladic and other prehistoric forms) from recycled and NSW stone, but was happy to get a chance to complete a new finial design inspired by the 100-year old challenge issued by RT Baker in Australian Flora in Applied Art:  Part 1 The Waratah.



Progress Photos